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Information Resources

But I’m Not Spam

June 28, 2005 - Information Resources

Preventative measures can help your emails from becoming false positives

Your contacts are primarily made of people who’ve asked you to contact them or people who would be interested in receiving your emails.

However, some of these contacts may have Spamblocking services that could mis-interpret your emails as Spam. This is far worse than a contact just not receiving an email. If your Internet Protocol (IP) is added to a Spam Sender list because of this, it may stop ALL emails from being received.

Unfortunately, these “false positives” have to exist to allow spam-blocking systems to function. But there are a number of methods you could employ to dramatically lessen your chances of being marked as spam. Please avoid the following when creating emails:

  1. Body of message incorporates a tracking ID number
  2. Body of message contains a large block of hexadecimal code
  3. Body of message contains one or more lines of “YELLING” (i.e., all-caps)
  4. Message includes Microsoft executable program
  5. Message body has at least 70 percent blank lines
  6. Message header indicates message was sent directly from dynamic IP address
  7. Message From field appears to not contain a real name
  8. Message From field ends in numbers
  9. Message header contains numbers mixed in with letters
  10. Message subject includes the term “offer”
  11. Message to: field contains spaces
  12. Message Reply to field is empty
  13. Subject has exclamation mark and question mark
  14. Subject is ALL-CAPS
  15. Message subject starts with an advertising tag
  16. Message From: field contains the term “friend”
  17. Subject contains “As Seen”
  18. Subject starts with dollar amount
  19. Subject contains “Double Your”
  20. Subject contains “For Only”
  21. Subject contains “FREE”
  22. Subject contains “Free Instant”
  23. Message contains excessive images without much text
  24. Message body contains the term “nobody’s perfect”
  25. Message body claims not to be spam


Contact ERA404 for more questions about preventing your mail from looking like spam. Click here.


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